Ensuring equal access...

Ensuring equal access.. for the deaf, hard of hearing and PWD (Person with disabilities) communities to all of life’s opportunities.

Our mission is to serve Deaf, Hard of Hearing and PWD individuals, their families and the community by delivering innovative programs, products and solutions to achieve full communication accessibility.


MATA CARES' Access Ngayon "Access Now" program provides free communication services for the unprivileged deaf students and employees. Sign language interpreters and Live captioning services with iTranslator (converting the documents to sign language) are available. Powered by GreenVAS Communications' technology platform.

Cyber-SL Academy - Sign Language Course Online / Face-to-Face Workshop with new AI technology app and Testing Services. Beginning and Advanced levels in American Sign Language (ASL) and Filipino Sign Language (FSL) are available. These courses are taught by Deaf trainers and designated to learn a basic / advanced knowledge of the Sign Language and Deaf culture for anyone those who are interested in learning a new language or in becoming an interpreter (after level 3).

MATA News Philippines and Asia Pacific Islands - highlighted broadcast news media in the FASL (Filipino-American Sign Language) version.




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